Caregiver Community Resource Guide

Click or tap on the catagory buttons below to view more information.

Abbotsford Association for Healthy Aging

Our caregiver support program offers 1:1 phone or in-person support, support groups, group activities, educational workshops, and referrals to community services for those caring for an older family member or friend.

Call:  604-768-5421

Family Caregivers of BC

Provides access to information, education, and support so that caregivers feel more confident and successful in their important role.

Call:  604-734-4812 or 1-800-833-1733 or visit

Fraser Health (FH) Caregiver Support Program

  • Support for caregivers experiencing stress, burn-out, grief and/or loss.
  • Resources to prepare for advance care planning.
  • Support for people who are new to the caregiver role.
  • Caregiver support groups.
  • Advocacy for caregiver/client rights.

Visit:  Caregiver Support – Fraser Health Authority

Care Partner Program with the Parkinson’s Foundation

Through this program, care partners will better understand their role in managing their loved one’s care, create actionable strategies for self-care, develop clear networks for support and access relevant tools that will empower them in their role as care partner.

Information, education, counselling, support groups.

Call 604-662-3240 or 1-800-668-3330 or visit:

BC Cancer

You may be a family member or friend who is providing physical, practical or emotional support to someone with cancer. Sometimes the type of care that your family member needs is new for you. It may involve switching roles, personal care or doing practical tasks. You might need to change your priorities or add responsibilities to your already busy life. While giving care is rewarding it can also be stressful or overwhelming. It is important to find out what services and supports are available to help you balance caring for others with self-care.

Caregivers (

Fraser Valley Brain Injury Association

Provides a variety of services including case management services, support groups, and drop-in centres.

Call: 604-557-1913 or email

Each health authority offers care and services in your home and community. These services can include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Home care nursing
  • Home support
  • Residential care
  • Assisted living.
  • Adult day programs
  • Physical and occupational therapy
  • Caregiver support
  • Convalescent/Respite care
  • End-of-life care

To access these services, you can refer yourself or have a family member call for you.

Fraser Health: 

Phone: 1-855-412-2121

Home Health 604-556-5000


Right at Home             (604)330-9909         

Nurse Next Door         (604)856-5553

BC Brain Wellness Program – offers a variety of programs to improve and sustain quality of life for people living with brain disorders and their care partners, as well as to offer healthy agers the opportunity to enhance their wellness and engage in prevention lifestyle measures. For more information about free programs and events, visit:

Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions

Sponsored by the BC Ministry of Health and University of Victoria, this program helps people learn skills to manage chronic conditions. For more information about free workshops, visit:

BC Brain Wellness Program

Offers a variety of programs to improve and sustain quality of life for people living with brain disorders and their care partners, as well as to offer healthy agers the opportunity to enhance their wellness and engage in prevention lifestyle measures.

For more information about free programs and events, visit:

Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions

Sponsored by the BC Ministry of Health and University of Victoria, this program helps people learn skills to manage chronic conditions.

For more information about free workshops, visit:

Nidus Personal Planning Resource Centre and Registry

Call 604-408-7414 or visit:

An Advance Care Plan is a written summary of your wishes to guide your substitute decision maker if you cannot make treatment decisions for yourself. Advance care planning begins by thinking about your beliefs, values and wishes regarding future health care treatment. It is about having conversations with your close family, friends and health care providers so that they know the treatment you would agree to if you become incapable of expressing your own decisions.

BC government’s advance care planning guide called, “My Voice: Expressing My Wishes for Future Health Care Treatment.”

For a copy ot the guide visit:

For a free online workbook visit:



Abbotsford Hospice Society

The Abbotsford Hospice Society helps children, youth, adults and their families as they cope with grief, death and dying through skilled and compassionate support, education, and advocacy. Call 604-852-2456BC Brain Wellness Program – offers a variety of programs to improve and sustain quality of life for people living with brain disorders and their care partners, as well as to offer healthy agers the opportunity to enhance their wellness and engage in prevention lifestyle measures. For more information about free programs and events, visit

Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions

Sponsored by the BC Ministry of Health and University of Victoria, this program helps people learn skills to manage chronic conditions. For more information about free workshops, visit

An Advance Care Plan is a written summary of your wishes to guide your substitute decision maker if you cannot make treatment decisions for yourself. Advance care planning begins by thinking about your beliefs, values and wishes regarding future health care treatment. It is about having conversations with your close family, friends and health care providers so that they know the treatment you would agree to if you become incapable of expressing your own decisions.

Visit for a copy of the BC government’s advance care planning guide called My Voice: Expressing My Wishes for Future Health Care Treatment.

Visit for a free online workbook.

Or contact Nidus Personal Planning Resource Centre and Registry. Call 604-408-7414 or visit

Income Tax Program


Call 604-Federal Benefits

Including disability tax credit, medical expense credits, GST credit, Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplement, Canada Pension Plan.

Call Service Canada at 1-800-668-2642 or visit and click on “BENEFITS”.

Provincial Benefits

Including information on Medical Services Plan (MSP) and BC PharmaCare.

Call Service BC at 604-660-2421 (in Vancouver) or 1-800-663-7867 (elsewhere in BC) or visit

Department of Veterans Affairs

Call 1-866-522-2122 or visit

Senior’s Supplement for BC Residents

Call 1-866-866-0800

 Seniors First BC

Call 604-688-1927 or visit

 Disability Alliance BC

Call 604-875-9227 (in Vancouver) or 1-800-663-1278 (elsewhere in BC) or visit

 Home Adaptations for Independence (HAFI)

A grant program for people with diminished physical abilities. It helps low-income households pay for modifications to their home for accessibility.

Call 604-433-2218 (in Vancouver) or 1-800-257-7756 (elsewhere in BC) or visit

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER)

Call 1-800-257-7756

Benefits Finder Websites

BC Housing

Call 433-2218 (in Vancouver) or 1-800-257-7756 (elsewhere in BC) or visit

Seniors Services Society

Call 604-520-6621 or visit

Co-op Housing

Call 1-866-879-5111 or visit

Public Guardian and Trustee of BC

Call 1-800-663-7867 or visit

UBC Legal Advice Program

Call 604-822-5791 or visit

Lawyer Referral Service

Call 1-800-267-8860 or visit Canadian Bar Association at

Legal Services Society (Legal Aid)

Call 1-866-577-2525 or visit

Seniors First BC

Call 604-437-1940 or Toll-Free at 1-866-437-1940 weekdays 8 am to 8 pm and weekends 10 am to 5:30 pm, excluding statutory holidays. Language interpretation is available.

Meals on Wheels

For anyone in Abbotsford who has difficulty shopping for groceries or preparing meals for themselves.


Abbotsford Food Bank


Handicapped parking placard

Call 604-718-7744 or visit

HandyDart/Taxi Savers

Call 604-953-3680 or visit

Travel Assistance Program

Help with travel expenses due to out of town medical appointments. Call 1-800-663-7100 or visit and search for TAP.

Access to Travel

Information on accessible transportation and travel across Canada.

Call 1-800-665-6478 or visit

Red Cross Loan Cupboard

Lends basic equipment including canes, walkers, and wheelchairs on a short-term basis. Requires a referral from a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, nurse or doctor.

Call (604) 556-3526 or visit Abbotsford Office Short Term Loan Program – British Columbia and Yukon – Canadian Red Cross


A personal response service that lets you summon for help any time of the day or night.

Call 604-854-5991 or 1-888-969-1818 or email:

or visit

Medic Alert Bracelet

Tells first responders that about your diagnosis and health needs.

Call 1-800-668-1507 or visit

Crisis Centre

Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide. Call 1-800-784-2433 or visit

Senior’s Distress Line

Call 604-872-1234

Abbotsford Peer Support for Seniors

The peer support program is a FREE service for seniors 50+ in Abbotsford. Peer support is a process in which trained senior peer support volunteers offer one-on-one visiting, empathy, listening, emotional support, option availability, and information to seniors to enable them to help themselves.


Abbotsford Peer Support for Seniors

Victim LINK

Even if you’re not sure if you have been a victim of crime, you can call or text VictimLinkBC at 1-800-563-0808 or email for assistance. Your call will be completely confidential.

Better at Home

A program funded by the United Way. Call 604-859-7681 Ext: 772 or visit

Pharmacy BC

Free delivery of prescription medications. Call 1-855-224-6644 or visit

BC Seniors Guide

A great resource for information on government programs for health, housing, transportation, finances, etc. Call 1-877-952-3181 or visit

For information on Medical Services Plan (MSP) and BC PharmaCare, call toll free 1-800-663-7100 or visit

For general health information and access to general health professionals including a dietitian and pharmacist, call 8-1-1 or visit

For information and referrals regarding community, government and social services in BC, call 2-1-1 or visit

For free-of-charge provincial health information and advice, call 8-1-1.

Older Adult Community Mental Health Program

Phone: 604-870-7800

For people over the age of 65 who are experiencing psychiatric symptoms such as memory decline, confusion, depression, anxiety, psychosis (e.g. hallucinations, delusions, paranoia) or other mental health symptoms that affect the person’s ability to manage their daily living activities.

Caregiver Community Resource Guide

Click or tap on the catagory buttons below to view more information.


BC Housing

Call 433-2218 (in Vancouver) or 1-800-257-7756 (elsewhere in BC) or visit

Seniors Services Society

Call 604-520-6621 or visit

Co-op Housing 

Call 1-866-879-5111 or visit

Food Programs

Meals on Wheels

For anyone in Abbotsford who has difficulty shopping for groceries or preparing meals for themselves.


Abbotsford Food Bank




A personal response service that lets you summon for help any time of the day or night.

Call 604-854-5991 or 1-888-969-1818 or email:

or visit

Medic Alert Bracelet

Tells first responders that about your diagnosis and health needs.

Call 1-800-668-1507 or visit

Crisis Centre 

Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide. Call 1-800-784-2433 or visit

Senior’s Distress Line 

Call 604-872-1234

Abbotsford Peer Support for Seniors

The peer support program is a FREE service for seniors 50+ in Abbotsford. Peer support is a process in which trained senior peer support volunteers offer one-on-one visiting, empathy, listening, emotional support, option availability, and information to seniors to enable them to help themselves.


Abbotsford Peer Support for Seniors

Victim LINK

Even if you’re not sure if you have been a victim of crime, you can call or text VictimLinkBC at 1-800-563-0808 or email for assistance. Your call will be completely confidential.

Home Care Services

Each health authority offers care and services in your home and community. These services can include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Home care nursing
  • Home support
  • Residential care
  • Assisted living.
  • Adult day programs
  • Physical and occupational therapy
  • Caregiver support
  • Convalescent/Respite care
  • End-of-life care

To access these services, you can refer yourself or have a family member call for you.

Fraser Health: 

Phone: 1-855-412-2121

Home Health 604-556-5000


Right at Home             (604)330-9909          

Nurse Next Door         (604)856-5553

Care Partnering

Abbotsford Association for Healthy Aging

Our caregiver support program offers 1:1 phone or in-person support, support groups, group activities, educational workshops, and referrals to community services for those caring for an older family member or friend.

Call:  604-768-5421

Family Caregivers of BC

Provides access to information, education, and support so that caregivers feel more confident and successful in their important role.

Call:  604-734-4812 or 1-800-833-1733 or visit

Fraser Health (FH) Caregiver Support Program

  • Support for caregivers experiencing stress, burn-out, grief and/or loss.
  • Resources to prepare for advance care planning.
  • Support for people who are new to the caregiver role.
  • Caregiver support groups.
  • Advocacy for caregiver/client rights.

Visit:  Caregiver Support – Fraser Health Authority

Care Partner Program with the Parkinson’s Foundation

Through this program, care partners will better understand their role in managing their loved one’s care, create actionable strategies for self-care, develop clear networks for support and access relevant tools that will empower them in their role as care partner.

Information, education, counselling, support groups.

Call 604-662-3240 or 1-800-668-3330 or visit:

BC Cancer

You may be a family member or friend who is providing physical, practical or emotional support to someone with cancer. Sometimes the type of care that your family member needs is new for you. It may involve switching roles, personal care or doing practical tasks. You might need to change your priorities or add responsibilities to your already busy life. While giving care is rewarding it can also be stressful or overwhelming. It is important to find out what services and supports are available to help you balance caring for others with self-care.

Caregivers (

Fraser Valley Brain Injury Association

Provides a variety of services including case management services, support groups, and drop-in centres.

Call: 604-557-1913 or email

Educational Programs

BC Brain Wellness Program – offers a variety of programs to improve and sustain quality of life for people living with brain disorders and their care partners, as well as to offer healthy agers the opportunity to enhance their wellness and engage in prevention lifestyle measures. For more information about free programs and events, visit:

Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions

Sponsored by the BC Ministry of Health and University of Victoria, this program helps people learn skills to manage chronic conditions. For more information about free workshops, visit:

Advance Planning

BC Brain Wellness Program 

Offers a variety of programs to improve and sustain quality of life for people living with brain disorders and their care partners, as well as to offer healthy agers the opportunity to enhance their wellness and engage in prevention lifestyle measures. 

For more information about free programs and events, visit:

Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions

Sponsored by the BC Ministry of Health and University of Victoria, this program helps people learn skills to manage chronic conditions.

For more information about free workshops, visit:

Nidus Personal Planning Resource Centre and Registry

Call 604-408-7414 or visit:

An Advance Care Plan is a written summary of your wishes to guide your substitute decision maker if you cannot make treatment decisions for yourself. Advance care planning begins by thinking about your beliefs, values and wishes regarding future health care treatment. It is about having conversations with your close family, friends and health care providers so that they know the treatment you would agree to if you become incapable of expressing your own decisions.

BC government’s advance care planning guide called, “My Voice: Expressing My Wishes for Future Health Care Treatment.”

For a copy ot the guide visit:

For a free online workbook visit:

Financial Resources

Income Tax Program


Call 604-Federal Benefits

Including disability tax credit, medical expense credits, GST credit, Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplement, Canada Pension Plan.

Call Service Canada at 1-800-668-2642 or visit and click on “BENEFITS”.

Provincial Benefits

Including information on Medical Services Plan (MSP) and BC PharmaCare.

Call Service BC at 604-660-2421 (in Vancouver) or 1-800-663-7867 (elsewhere in BC) or visit

Department of Veterans Affairs

Call 1-866-522-2122 or visit

Senior’s Supplement for BC Residents 

Call 1-866-866-0800

 Seniors First BC

Call 604-688-1927 or visit

 Disability Alliance BC

Call 604-875-9227 (in Vancouver) or 1-800-663-1278 (elsewhere in BC) or visit

 Home Adaptations for Independence (HAFI)

A grant program for people with diminished physical abilities. It helps low-income households pay for modifications to their home for accessibility.

Call 604-433-2218 (in Vancouver) or 1-800-257-7756 (elsewhere in BC) or visit

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER)

Call 1-800-257-7756

Benefits Finder Websites

Legal Resources

Public Guardian and Trustee of BC 

Call 1-800-663-7867 or visit

UBC Legal Advice Program 

Call 604-822-5791 or visit

Lawyer Referral Service 

Call 1-800-267-8860 or visit Canadian Bar Association at

Legal Services Society (Legal Aid) 

Call 1-866-577-2525 or visit

Seniors First BC 

Call 604-437-1940 or Toll-Free at 1-866-437-1940 weekdays 8 am to 8 pm and weekends 10 am to 5:30 pm, excluding statutory holidays. Language interpretation is available.


Handicapped parking placard

Call 604-718-7744 or visit

HandyDart/Taxi Savers 

Call 604-953-3680 or visit

Travel Assistance Program 

Help with travel expenses due to out of town medical appointments. Call 1-800-663-7100 or visit and search for TAP.

Access to Travel 

Information on accessible transportation and travel across Canada.

Call 1-800-665-6478 or visit


Red Cross Loan Cupboard

Lends basic equipment including canes, walkers, and wheelchairs on a short-term basis. Requires a referral from a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, nurse or doctor.

Call (604) 556-3526 or visit Abbotsford Office Short Term Loan Program – British Columbia and Yukon – Canadian Red Cross

Health Services

Better at Home 

A program funded by the United Way. Call 604-859-7681 Ext: 772 or visit

Pharmacy BC

Free delivery of prescription medications. Call 1-855-224-6644 or visit

BC Seniors Guide 

A great resource for information on government programs for health, housing, transportation, finances, etc. Call 1-877-952-3181 or visit

For information on Medical Services Plan (MSP) and BC PharmaCare, call toll free 1-800-663-7100 or visit

For general health information and access to general health professionals including a dietitian and pharmacist, call 8-1-1 or visit

For information and referrals regarding community, government and social services in BC, call 2-1-1 or visit

For free-of-charge provincial health information and advice, call 8-1-1.

Older Adult Community Mental Health Program

Phone: 604-870-7800

For people over the age of 65 who are experiencing psychiatric symptoms such as memory decline, confusion, depression, anxiety, psychosis (e.g. hallucinations, delusions, paranoia) or other mental health symptoms that affect the person’s ability to manage their daily living activities.

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